
Found my heart was bleeding, bleeding
Raw emotions on that page, and I
Found I nearly wept, her beauty
Piercing, like a bullet tearing
Through these cardboard walls around
My soul, I penned a sonnet to a girl,
And with each word I lost me more,
I gave each part, each fragile part
To her image, to that picture of
Her in my mind, her grace like a
Perfect symphony, like Beethoven's
Ninth, only hers is played by angels,
Like perfect days, her perfect face,
I penned a sonnet to a girl, yet
Only whispered of it, and at each
Breath my sonnet vanished, dissolved
In bitterness, now I languish in my
Bed, another image has replaced
The first, an images of a kiss,
A kiss upon the lips, but her
Partner was not me, now I dance upon
A knife point and find it cuts me
Every time, I wrote a sonnet to that
Girl, now I am alone with this, my
Sadness and disbelief.
Labels: Original piece