
Amore Aeger
Сlemente, clemente, Carissima mea,
Responde mihi quam clementissime possis.
Manu grave amor me opprimit,
Me contundit; quam diu ferre possum?
Tacui nimis diu, ut ne fregeres cor meum;
Quoniam nos scivi impossibiles fuisse.
Sed nunc in pectore meo tumet mea confessionis,
Rumpendum est cor illud.
Atque ego aveo ut expirem,
Utinam denuo spirarem,
Confessione dimissa, sine angore.
Nolo praeterire spem reliquam,
Amare et amari,
Videlicet, pono Cupidum benignus esse,
Satis benignus ut iceret utrasque personas ipissime.
Quamvis cor meum ita velit,
Timeo ne dolorem quem exhalem,
Sit minus quam dolorem,
Quem inspirem quando respondes.
Quare, quicquid in tibi animo est,
Affectus germanos dice,
Sed clemente, clemente, Carissima mea,
Responde mihi quam clementissime possis.
The air that I breath within you
Labels: Inspiration
Gently, gently, my dearest,
Answer me as gently as you can.
Love has oppressed me with a heavy hand.
It weighs me down; how long can I carry on?
I have kept silent until now, fearing that you would break my heart;
Because I know that we are impossible.
But now my confession swells in my breast,
Threatening to burst that heart I had so protected.
As Atlas groaned through clenched teeth,
So I long to exhale that confession once and for all,
So that once again,
I can breathe without pain.
I do not wish to miss my one remaining chance
To love and be loved.
But that is as much as to say that Cupid is kind,
Kind enough to smite two lovers
For each other.
Even though my heart desires it,
I fear that the pain I exhale
Will be less than the pain I inhale
When you respond.
So tell me what is in your heart,
Tell me your true feelings,
But gently, gently, my dearest,
Answer me as gently as you can.
saw ur new poem in english too.
nice that u translated for us..
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